The Mayfield Night Market

The Mayfield Night Market is a response to the need for reconnection between the Mayfield area and the wider city context. The Mayfield area is going through a process of regeneration and transformation by Landsec U+I, who have collaborated closely with the atelier to identify areas for reconnection between their proposed development and the rest of Manchester. As such, my thesis project works closely with the development and explores the possibility of expansion beyond the development's 'red line'. The Mayfield Night Market is a series of flexible, adaptable, and temporary interventions that aim to bring more footfall to the Mayfield area through a series of market stalls and various market typologies, that connect the Mayfield area back to the city centre through Fairfield Street and the Picadilly Train Station. On top of that, the proposed design explores the possibility of expansion for the market, through an elevated platform park typology for the 'future of the future'.

The Mayfield Night Market intervention utilises both existing infrastructure and novel building technologies to transform the Fairfield Street area into a market typology that compliments and adds onto the proposed Mayfield development. The interventions are designed to expand and evolve in tandem with the Mayfield development, thus expanding on the development in an attempt to revitalise a forgotten street of the city that has lost its purpose over the years. 

My architectural interest for flexible, adaptable, and novel building technologies and techniques has evolved during my Bachelor years to fully solidify during my thesis project in my Master's degree. The added challenge of working with and preserving existing infrastructure has only determined me to further explore the possibilities of temporary, flexible, and adaptable solutions for the future while preserving and learning from the architectural heritage of the past.