Terra Vitae Morte

The project is designed to unfold organically around a perpetual circulation, symbolising the cyclical journey of life and navigating through the architectural framework to lead users through various phases of grief. Each distinct zone within the edifice encapsulates a core element of our conceptual framework: a renewed cyclical interpretation of death. The building’s design aims to guide users through a healing process reflected in the design of each room, with each room representing a stage of grief and a state of the soul. Nature plays a crucial role in this project, signifying human progress through the journey of grief. In the first sanctuary, nature is present in the form of moss and lichen, illustrating a stage where humans, in deep pain, find no connection with thriving nature. The subsequent rooms have a diminished presence of nature, a design choice intended to make humans realise their need for it and inspire them to seek it. In the final room, nature reappears, symbolising a stage where humans, having reached the last stage of grief, not only find a connection with nature but also embrace a new cyclical view of life and death.

Serving as both a spiritual sanctuary and an educational hub for the community, the building aims to impart new perspectives on life and death embedded in our ethos. Through this design, visitors gain insight into the profound interconnectedness between humanity and nature, highlighting the intrinsic relationship between individuals and the natural world. This understanding fosters the realisation that one's existence is deeply intertwined with the environment. With inclusivity at its core, the building aspires to be a welcoming space for people of all genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds. Initially centred on the local community, it envisions evolving into a landmark that transcends regional boundaries, drawing visitors from across Manchester and beyond.