The Kopitiam Festival

The Kopitiam Festival celebrates Malaysia's unique kopitiam culture. These traditional coffee shops are more than just eating places, they are cherished community hubs steeped in history and character. For generations, they have been the backdrop for countless social interaction and cultural exchange amongst the community. However, rapid urbanisation and gentrification threaten the very existence of these cultural landmarks. The Kopitiam Festival is a response to this threat, aiming to raise awareness and inspire action to preserve these irreplaceable institutions.

This project focuses on the development and implementation of a Kopitiam Festival as a central element of an activist and design intervention strategy. The proposal of an annual festival will serve as an inclusive platform to raise awareness about the threats of gentrification faced by Malaysia’s traditional coffee houses. The festival aims to celebrate their diverse identities, stories, and culinary traditions associated with these institutions through a variety of activities designed in the festival programme. By showcasing both the tangible (architectural heritage) and intangible (social significance) heritage of kopitiams, the objective is to counter homogenising forces and foster a collective spirit among kopitiam owners, patrons, and supporters nationwide. This proposal for The Kopitiam Festival envisions it as more than just a community celebration, it aims to be a call-to-action to ensure the continued survival of kopitiams as vibrant community hubs across Malaysia. By raising awareness and fostering a sense of collective responsibility, the festival aspires to influence policy decisions and inspire similar initiatives in other regions.