Sheffield has been subject to the rapid growth and subsequent decline of the UK's manufacturing industries following the industrial revolution. Once one of the major manufacturing hubs of the UK, Sheffield now produces significantly less than it once did.

This has led to areas such as Attercliffe seeing a decline in employment rates and the number of people who consider themselves to be skilled workers.

Through the incorporation of principles Graham, Cameron and Healy's "Take Back the Economy", the scheme is aimed at improving the community economy in the Attercliffe area of Sheffield.

Upskill - Uptool - Uplift aims to combat the issues of declining employment rates and skilled workers, providing members of the local community with a centre for education in the trade of woodworking/joinery. The aim is to provide the locals with a space in which to socialise with like minded people, a space in which they can also learn new skills, with the view of improving their employability.

Through the introduction of new skills into the community economy it is hoped that there will be a subsequent knock on effect to other areas, helping to improve the local area of Attercliffe.


The final three images show work produced during technologies 3. A detailed case study of Rural Studio's "Lucy Carpet House" provided the precedent for the material reuse aspect of my scheme. An iterative design process allowed for me to optimise the solar shading of a fragment of my scheme using computational tools.