Image of the city along the river
The project is situated near the center of Lancaster Riverfront with a proposal of mixed uses The initial aim of the project was to connect Both sides of the project are situated near the center of Lancaster Riverfront with a proposal of mixed uses. The initial aim of the project was to connect both sides of the site and revitalize the riverfront.
The design philosophy recognizes the tremendous potential of waterfronts to serve as vibrant, attractive, and functional spaces within a city and merges with the theories of Kevin Lynch (image of the city). Its objective is to create environments that balance the needs of the community, the economy, and the environment, resulting in thriving and sustainable urban centers.
Key elements and principles of riverfront urban design include sustainability, waterfront integration, resilience and adaptation, revitalization of the riverfront, flood mitigation, public spaces, mixed-used development, accessibility and connectivity.
Riverfront urban design is a dynamic that seeks to create urban spaces that are not only visually appealing but also functional, resilient, and sustainable. It enhances the quality of life for urban residents, fosters economic development, and transforms the waterfront into a valuable and cherished asset for the entire community.