Digital Spores

Aiming to reconnect Cumbria further in its transportation systems, signal reach and reliable energy supply within its rural landscape in the form of a complex consisting of a post office, modular nuclear power station and a boat house. It takes vernacular and contemporary forms and materials to reflect the human and nature's sybiosis in the development of the rural landscape of Lake District.

The design incoorporates the elements of the land, water and air to reflect the features that are immediate to the site. The facilities provided are influenced from the those elements in form of modes of transportation within the complex. The land for electric van delivery, water for boat delivery, and air for drone delivery. This would add the air space and the lake water as means of transportation, so that the network could be branched out further for efficiency.

With modular nuclear reactors in development, its installation across Cumbria would bring clean and abundant energy to buildings and vehicular charging points across towns, which could instigate gradual electrification and nuclear dependence of roads and enventually the entire Cumbria. Its vernacular forms and materials allows it to integrate itself with the surrounding environment with a friendly presence.

Mobile signals and fast internet availability allows for technological adancement to thrive, community to be stronger, and remote areas of the Lake District to be safer. And so the signal control rooms and a tower are designed within the complex to facilitate this infrastructure for the Windermere Lake and the nearby town centre of Ambleside. The tower takes and blends the form from the hyperbolic towers of a typical powerstation cooling towers to reflect the on-site nuclear dependency, and the sinuous form from the image of contact between the rain droplets and lake water.plets and lake water.