Seed(ing) for Refugees

The project "Seed(ing) for Refugees" endeavors to repurpose existing infrastructure in Manchester to establish refuge spaces for non-human climate refugees.

In the age of the Anthropocene, where the natural and built environments are disconnected, there arises a pressing need for ecologically responsive developments. This project seeks to confront the climate and biodiversity crises afflicting Manchester city and the Bradford region in Manchester by prioritizing the perspectives of non-human species in the proposed Masterplan. Through a radical approach, it aims to bolster the city's resilience against non-human migration and extreme weather events, now & in the future.

Inspired by the life cycle of a seed, the project embarks on a metaphorical Trail journey that progresses through five distinct stages, symbolizing pivotal aspects of the relationship between non-human species and their environment. These stages encompass (see the video Seed(ing) Journey),

1. Seeding (for a beginning), 

2. a beginning of (occasional non-humans resting) journey, 

3. a beginning of a Life Cycle (procreation, nesting, and resting),

4. a beginning of Nesting, and

5. the beginning of Resting

The project acknowledges the vital role of non-humans as seed carriers (pollinators/dispersers) during their search for shelter and respite. By establishing this complex network within urban mosaics, it necessitates the creation of resilient habitats and the facilitation of species movement/migration to nearby vegetation zones within the city, specially in the occurance of undesired natural changes and human disturbances.

The design approach revolves around designing simple affordances that can be modified/reworked further by non-humans as per their need and comfort during their lifetime, hence welcoming their voice and their individual design capabilities to make a successful refugees abode.

Through incorporating these elements, "Seed(ing) for Refugees" strives to propose an inclusive and ecologically balanced urban refuge for both non-human and human population, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings in our shared habitat.
