The first year of studying architecture will likely be a new experience. BA1 introduces the theories, methods and skills needed to begin studying architecture. The studio focuses on the creative exploration and detailed development of architectural proposals. There are two 30-credit studio units which contain a series of projects aligned with each student's growing knowledge and skill set.

This year we emphasised the connection between first-hand experiences and architectural space to encourage urban exploration and social engagement. Weekly studio lectures reinforced the links between exploration, idea generation and the practical design challenges in a design brief, illustrated by examples of design tutors' projects from practice. Experience-based learning included Skateboarding at ‘Projekts MCR’ to explore space and programme in designing a hybrid skate park. Whilst excursions with the tutors were a way of basing projects on shared experiences of place, studio's many workshops and tutorials facilitated sharing architectural insights and getting to know the diverse backgrounds, interests, and approaches of members of the tutor groups. Experience-based design projects have resulted in a varied and expressive collection of design proposals created by students working with a team of studio tutors.

Architecture is a practical discipline that involves engaging with people and places, using making and drawing to resolve a project. The MSA, having recently moved buildings, BA1's weekly one-on-one studio tutorials and small group activities were supplemented this year with large-scale model-making to investigate project sites. The collective effort in modelling large chunks of the Manchester sites transformed the new open-plan space into a lively and motivating environment, which I describe as a studio. The project work presented below illustrates a selection of student models, orthographic drawings and freehand sketches used to explore and resolve their design proposals.

Each student's dedication to learning and creative energy have defined the architectural projects you see in the show catalogue.


Studio 1.1

Studio 1.1


The Move Space project explored space and materials inspired by human movement in the design of a pavilion for a newly pedestrianised urban square.


The Explorations Project documented study visits.


The Our Space project explored the sensory experience of a self-selected urban site in the design of a small habitable space in the city.

Studio 1.2

Studio 1.2


The Making Connections project involved a skateboarding experience to inspire a building programme in the design of a hybrid skate park for Projekts MCR.