Not Zero: A Cautionary Tale of the Race to Net Zero

The project speculates on the extrapolation of legitimate loopholes in the measurement of progression towards the government’s 2050 net zero pledge, whereby current trends of greenwashing and exploitation are sustained in the pursuit of endless profit.

A new city-state crown dependency is proposed, fascilitating a UK-wide strategy of internationalizing the significant carbon-emitting sectors of energy production, manufacturing, and passenger travel, thereby omitting their contribution to publicly divulged emission figures and instigating the generation of globally tradable carbon credits [through the achievement of negative emissions].

Sited within the bounds of the existing Crown Estateowned Sunk Island Conservation Area, the new enclave encapsulates the necessary array of logistical infrastructure alongside typologies celebrating the pursuit of international wealth, including the carbon casino quarter and all-electric race circuit, all whilst demonstrating 10 design principles derived directly from the current conservation area appraisal in a bid to present a contextually sensitive veil over a land of exploitation and exemption.