Urban Forest

Project by Jiao Xie, Junjie Su, Siyu Xie, Menghan Chen

Working with Manchester City Council and Far East Construction, this project explores how to reimage the essential neighbourhoods of Nothern Gateway (Manchester, UK) to improve human well-being and biodiversity.

Urban sprawl and neglect of urban green space have caused landscape fragmentation, further affecting neighborhoods' quality. Collaborating with Manchester City Council and Far East Construction, this project explores how green public space networks can be integrated into the whole urban system in Nothern Gateway (Manchester, UK) to improve human well-being and biodiversity. Our approach is to apply an agent-based model and circle packing for planning a masterplan with high accessibility to green and public spaces and better size and area of them.

We developed a generative computational tool to get the urban model by controlling parameters and analyzing outcomes based on key measures or national standards. This tool shows flexibility and adaptability in the urban planning process by helping users quickly obtain massive options and find the equilibrium between the natural environment and the built environment.

For the full portfolio of the project: https://issuu.com/397924106/docs/urbanforest