The Corridor of Lost Artefacts
By removing “Unimportant Unlisted” buildings within the Bradford City Centre and by analysing historic maps from 1850, 1900 and 1950 reveals three key lost artefacts. The Christ Church is an example of a forgotten artefact with no trace left within the modern-day urban fabric. Kirkgate Market and Swan Arcade are examples of lost artefacts within the city where they have been removed in place for modern buildings that share the same historic function of retail. The three lost artefact sites discussed along with their modern counterparts stretch from a vantage point at the ‘Top of Town’ area in Rawson Square down towards the ‘Bottom Bowl’ area of Bradford. The proposed processional route ties together the three lost artefact sites by enriching the identified urban spine within Bradford which through large scale modern developments found its once strong vertical axis disconnected.
St Blaise Festival 2025
Throughout our thesis we seek to continue utilising memory, to enhance and define urban space within the existing urban fabric as well as the theme of procession. We partnered up with the ‘Bring Back Bishop Blaise Festival Team’, made up a small group of dedicated enthusiasts committed to remembering an important day in Bradford’s past. Saint Blaise was an Armenian Bishop who was ordered to be killed for refusing to renounce his faith. He became known as the Patron Saint of wool combing and his feast day was celebrated in Bradford until the Industrial Revolution. This programme orientated around procession for St. Blaise has naturally enabled us to propose permanent and temporary interventions along the corridor. These are seen in their fullest form within the city-wide longitudinal section and festival axon.