Spaces built by people in result of socio-political consequences, are issues the society is failing to address. ‘A Performance of Subconscious Act’ is an interactive digital theatre performance offering an opportunity to understand a different urban and human experience; a harmonious act of space and psyche. This composition of personal, political, and social isolation of narratives is contextualised as a metaphysical society, based on the oppressive regime of Iran.
This thesis project is conceptually developed on the foundations of systemic oppression, and the cognitive affect of such structures. After exploring the impact of artist methodologies as a social test-bed, the most affective was utilised as a form of medium to address the issue. The result unfolded memories of systemic oppression through Sigmund Freud’s theory on Hysteria and the ‘return of the repressed’, which was executed through applying performance art and 3D art as methodology. This methodology is extracted and assembled from various artists/ activists/ and architects such as Janet Cardiff, Azadeh Fatehrnad, Salvador Dali and Forensic Architecture. I have used softwares such as 3Ds Max and V-ray to render and execute this animation, in addition to Adobe suite and Luma.One to stitch the interactive media.
This interactive visual performance showcases spaces of oppression and resistance accumulated in result of a patriarchal system under tyranny. The Islamic revolution of Iran in 1979, systematically abolished women’s rights protected under the Shah’s “Family Protection Act” through legislation, resulting in oppressive laws prohibiting ‘Acts’, that in the eyes of the Islamic state “hurt public chastity”. This performance illustrates these ‘Acts’ through real memoirs in fictional yet representative designed stage sets. The walk-through theatre experience allows for the distribution of power between the spectator (those who look) and the performer (those who are looked at).
Please visit the thesis website for more details on this project. To learn more about me and my other work, please visit the website link on the side of this page.
Below, you can find the trailor and the main show, please unmute, make full screen, and navigate through the interactive show as indicated on the screen.
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