Agriculture 2.0 looks at the deconstruction of food infrastructure and by extension the very way we think about food as a society. By challenging the commoditisation of food we can start to transition into a new food utility network, allowing us to acknowledge what it really is: a right. We have become used to running water and sanitation being provided to us as basic human amenities, but why not food.
The Agriculture 2.0 rewrites the age old rule book of food production, the first step towards an agricultural revolution is the establishing of a utility network. This network (Image 1) utilises both density studies and border conditions to create not just a wide reaching network but an efficient and unifying one.
The scheme is designed using modular techniques not just in its details but in its overall philosophy, facilities around the world plugging into the network to have the greatest coverage possible. This modularity is directed through instructional handbooks that focus on all scales from global to detail (Images 2,3,4), allowing the project to effect national of all languages.
Another key part of the project, in any location, is its community engagement. The ability to integrate itself into the community is vital in its effectiveness. This is achieved through two key strategies that can be adapted to specific locations. Firstly the use of runs, fairs, and other events create memories that help the facility become part of the local fabric (Image 5). The introduction of sports facilities also gives back to the community while also creating lasting links back to consumers' food. The second method is the use of media to create a transparent and demystified understanding of the facility (image 6,7,8). Also, the use of Virtual reality, creating further transparency and place-making (gameplay footage shown in the linked video).