I have a longstanding passion for working in the field of architectural heritage and have sought to develop this through the Continuity in Architecture Atelier within the MArch course and through my time spent working in a specialist practice.

My studio work and my written essay focused on the following themes: 

Finding alternative uses for historic spaces that face redundancy if they don’t adapt to 21stcentury needs.

Producing contemporary design in historic settings and considering associated constraints as opportunities rather than restrictions.  

Celebrating and illustrating the contribution historic buildings bring to our urban landscape through interventions.  

Selected MArch Projects  

PS2 - Champness Hall - Rochdale’s Art Deco Methodist Church  

Located on the main high street, the former church would play a crucial role in regenerating the local area following other recent projects. Focusing on creating inclusive access whilst incorporating SPAB philosophy, this project sought to re-establish something of the presence this building once had, whilst celebrating some rather special 1920’s features.    

Studio 3 - Shrewsbury’s Old Library, formerly the pioneering Grammar School where Charles Darwin studied   

My thesis project focused on conducting rigorous research on the specific area of Castle Gates also known as, the gateway to Shrewsbury. Having identified this area as of crucial historic importance, the project began to consider the idea of collective memory within this area of the town and how specific buildings contribute to this narrative. The project went on to establish a series of urban interventions which re-connected historic spaces and sought to exhibit buildings as artefacts, illustrating Shrewsbury’s historic importance. It then tested the use of a collection of curiosities that when curated and presented in a specific location would aid the process of remembering and revealing the pivotal space previously identified.