Project By Ben Miller and Alex Kendall

For our thesis project, we started by looking at resilience theory and if the idea of truly resilient architecture was possible and how it could be implemented. There are some existing buildings that area resilient, but they are only resilient in a single aspect or to a singular potential scenario.  The problem with this is the building is only successful if your exact proposed future occurs, if a different future occurs then the building will have to be altered or redesigned causing a waste of both time, money and materials.

In response to this we aimed to create a system that could be endlessly disassembled and reassembled using simple onsite manufacture and off the shelf sheet materials. The design allowing for disassembly means that any change can be done with minimal additional materials being added, while the only waste should be damaged elements.

Thesis Statement


The contemporary urban environment is characterised by rapid change. Despite this, architecture interventions remain ridged and lack evaluation of it’s potential life cycle to ensure the design remains resilient.


Through the ideas of Researching For Design, we are looking at how Resilience theory and Generative Design Theory could be used to address the rigidity in architectural design and how they derive answers which combine understanding of the natural environment, computation and engineering to create adaptable solutions.


The current Architectural model creates a material solution to a current problem, we aim to address instability through considering a building system behind the material solution to create a system that can change as rapidly as the urban environment.

Through the use of Computational design tools prototypes can be rapidly generated and evaluated in respect to both  current and future scenarios.