Sengupta, U., Iossifova, D., Imai, H., Atanasova, M., Kempski, D., Kowalska, P., Muresan, D., Tosheva, I., Walker, M., Weinmann, L., 2016. [61] Harmonica Alley, 8/2/2016 - 19/2/2016.
Sengupta, U., Hyde, R.J., 2014. 'Transdisciplinary Tools for Urban Change', Venice Biennale, Italy, 1/11/2014.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., 2013. Seamless: The Digital in Design, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia., 19/9/2013 - 3/11/2013.
Sengupta, U., 2011. Unplannable City - Approaches for Urban Emergence & Complexity, Studio X Mumbai (Columbia University, GSAPP), 3/9/2011 - 30/6/2011.
Sengupta, U., 2009. Mega-City vs. Identity - Territory, Architecture, Culture in Istanbul, Istanbul Metropolitan Planning, 1/7/2009.
Iossifova, D., Sengupta, U., 2016. '[61] Harmonica Alley, Yokohama', Softgrid Limited.
Book Chapters
Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Oredein, O., 2022. 'A Strategic Planning Problem: The Relationship Between Urban Transformation Outcomes and the Temporal Order of Planned Projects'. In Iossifova, D., Gasparatos, A., Zavos, S., Gamal, Y., Long, Y. (eds.) Urban Infrastructuring: Reconfigurations, Transformations and Sustainability in the Global South, pp. 241-264, Springer.
Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Oredein, O., 2022. 'A Strategic PlanningStrategic planning Problem: The Relationship Between Urban TransformationTransformations Outcomes and the Temporal Order of Planned Projects'. In Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 241-264.
Sengupta, U., Ren, Y., 2022. 'Architecture, Sanitation and COVID-19'. In Urban Infrastructuring, Springer.
Iossifova, D., Baker, J., Byrom, H., Gao, J., Law, Z.H., Stewart, B., Yang, Y., Dewoolkar, P., Gamal, Y., Nelson, T., Ren, Y., Sengupta, U., 2022. 'Architecture, Sanitation and COVID-19: Design Interventions in Resource-Limited Settings (Accra, Ghana)'. In Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 277-295.
Iossifova, D., Zavos, S., Gasparatos, A., Valencio, N., Bhide, A., Baltazar, A.P., Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., da Silva Baptista, M., Dong, N., Gamal, Y., Lazo, D.L., Long, Y., Ren, Y., 2022. 'Infrastructuring with CareCare in Cities of the Global SouthGlobal South'. In Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 309-319.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Solomou, S., Zigure, S., Tantoush, M., Bassanino, M., Hyde, R., 2021. 'Complex Urban Futures: Design Science for Flux Territories'. In Design Studio Vol. 2: Intelligent Control Disruptive Technologies, Riba Publishing.
Ulysses, S., 2017. 'Complexityscience'. In Defining the Urban, pp. 249-265, Routledge.
Sengupta, U., 2017. 'ICT, Open Data and the Internet of Things'. In The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design, pp. 69-90, Routledge.
Sengupta, U., 2017. 'ICT, Open Data and the Internet of Things: Potential future trajectories in urban planning'. In Yamu, C., Poplin, A., Dewisch, O., De Roo, G. (eds.) The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications, pp. 69-90, Routledge.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., 2013. 'Acknowledging Complexity in Continuous Urban Change'. In Iossifova, D. (eds.) Architecture and Planning in Times of Scarcity: Reclaiming the Possibility of Making the City, pp. 221-229, Softgrid Limited, London.
Sengupta, U., 2013. 'Acknowledging Complexity in Continuous Urban Change'. In Iossifova, D. (eds.) Times of Scarcity: Reclaiming the Possibility of Making the City, 35-39, Primedia e-Launch LLC.
Sengupta, U., Iossifova, D., 2012. 'Systemic Diagramming: An Approach to Decoding Urban Ecologies'. In Goodbun, J., Till, J. and Iossifova, D. (eds.) Scarcity: Architecture in an Age of Depleting Resources, 44-51, Architectural Design, Wiley.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., Pick, J., 2012. 'Urban Resilience: A Potential Approach based on Complex Ecological Patterns'. In mat.zine #11 resilience, mat.zine, London.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Wong, L., Matsuda, N., Lynch, J., 2011. 'Urban Morphology: Incorporating Complexity & Variation'. In Mironowicz, I. (eds.) Urban change: the prospect of transformation, pp. 180-189, UN-HABITAT & Wroclaw University of Technology, Nairobi/Wroclaw..
Cheung, P., Sengupta, U., 2017. 'Journey Sustainability Analysis Report', MMU: Manchester School of Architecture.
Sengupta, U., Doll, C., Gasparatos, A., Iossifova, D., Angeloudis, P., da Silva Baptista, M., Cheng, S., Graham, D., Hyde, R.J., Kraenkel, R., Luo, J., Oren, N., 2017. 'Sustainable Smart Cities: Applying Complexity Science to Achieve Urban Sustainability - [United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability , Policy Brief]', United Nations University, Tokyo, Tokyo.
Cheung, P., Sengupta, U., 2016. 'Analysis of Journey Planner Apps and Best Practice Features', Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.
Cheung, E., Sengupta, U., 2016. 'Occupancy / Emissions Sustainability Metric Matrix', MMU: Manchester School of Architecture, Manchester, UK.
Sengupta, U., Hyde, R., 2014. 'Convergent City: Imagining Planning in a Digitised Future', RIBA.
Internet Publications
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Pick, J., 2012. 'Urban Resilience: A Potential Approach based on Complex Ecological Patterns', Mat.zine,
Journal Articles
Tantoush, M., Zigure, S., Solomou, S., Bassanino, M., Sengupta, U., 2025. 'Participatory Back Casting for Desired Co-Produced Mobility Futures: A Case Study of Greater Manchester', Data & Policy Journal.
Castro, M.A.S.D., Valencio, N., Iossifova, D., Santiago, C.D., Ziglio, L., Valencio, A., Pugliesi, E., Gonçalves, J.C., Cheung, E., Sengupta, U., 2024. 'An experiment in transdisciplinary systems mapping: architecture and the water-energy-sanitation nexus in Brazil', Architecture, 4 (1), pp. 73-88.
Tantoush, M., Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., Zigure, S., 2024. 'Participatory backcasting towards desirable co-produced mobility futures: A case study of MaaS in Greater Manchester', Futures, 164.
Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., 2024. 'Simulating Complex Urban Behaviours With AI: Incorporating Improved Intelligent Agents in Urban Simulation Models', Urban Planning, 10.
Sengupta, U., Sengupta, U., 2022. 'SDG-11 and smart cities: contradictions and overlaps between social and environmental justice research agendas', Frontiers in Sociology, 7, pp. 995603-995603.
Sengupta, U., Sengupta, U., 2022. 'Why government supported smart city initiatives fail: examining community risk and benefit agreements as a missing link to accountability for equity-seeking groups', Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4, pp. 960400-960400.
Sengupta, U., Tantoush, M., Bassanino, M., Cheung, E., 2020. 'The Hybrid Space of Collaborative Location-Based Mobile Games and the City: A Case Study of Ingress', Urban Planning, 5 (4), pp. 358-370.
Sengupta, U., Rauws, W.S., de Roo, G., 2016. 'Planning and complexity: Engaging with temporal dynamics, uncertainty and complex adaptive systems', Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 43 (6), pp. 970-974.
Sengupta, U., Iossifova, D., 2012. 'Systemic diagramming: An approach to decoding urban ecologies?', Architectural Design, 82 (4), pp. 44-51.
Conference Papers
Sengupta, U., Solomou, S., Alsharif, A., 2022. 'Where is the Complexity? Exploring the Theoretical Frameworks in Simulative Urban Modelling', Dynamics Days Europe, University of Aberdeen, 22/8/2022 - 26/8/2022.
Tantoush, M., Sengupta, U., Han, L., 2021. 'Analysing Urban Form and Activities for Smarter Cities through Crowdsourced Urban Data', 2021 International Symposium of Resilient City, Bejing, China, 3/11/2021 - 4/11/2021.
Zigure, S., Tantoush, M., Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., 2021. 'DEAS Network Plus Transportation and Mobility Projects 2020 - MaaS Prototype for TfGM', DEAS Research Seminar Series - transportation and mobility, Exeter, UK.
Tantoush, M., Zigure, S., Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., 2021. 'Participatory Backcasting for Achieving Desired Co-produced Mobility Futures: A Case Study of MaaS in Greater Manchester', NEST Conference 2021: Sustainability Transition pathways, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Zigure, S., Tantoush, M., Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., 2021. 'Participatory Backcasting for Achieving Desired Co-produced Mobility Futures: A Case Study of MaaS in Greater Manchester', Data for Policy 2021 special track Systemic engagement: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the design challenge of inclusion, sustainability, and data ownership, London, UK.
Tantoush, M., Sengupta, U., 2021. 'Urban Morphology in the Big Data Age: Exploring Aspects of Urban Form through Crowdsourced Urban Data', International Seminar on Urban Form: ISUF, Glasgow, Scotland.
Tantoush, M., Sengupta, U., Macbeth, A., Norfiqri, R., 2019. 'Big Data and City Infrastructures: Exploring Airbnb's Digital Urban Disruption', Healthy Cities 2019: Urbanisation, Infrastructures & Everyday Life, Manchester, UK.
Zigure, S., Solomou, S., Cheung, E., Sengupta, U., Hyde, R., Bassanino, M., Tantoush, M., 2019. 'Exploring Concerns about Autonomous Vehicles in the Public Realm', Healthy Cities 2019: Urbanisation, Infrastructures & Everyday Life, Manchester, UK.
Tantoush, M., Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Solomou, S., Zigure, S., 2019. 'Location-Based Games as Crowd-Sourced Geographic Information for Urban Planning', AESOP 18th Meeting TG Planning & Complexity: Games for Cities, Lisbon, Portugal.
Solomou, S., Zigure, S., Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Tantoush, M., Hyde, R., 2019. 'Simulating Personal Rapid Transportation: A game to determine the advantages of a Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) system over the current Taxi system', AESOP 18th Meeting TG Planning & Complexity: Games for Cities, Lisbon, Portugal.
Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., Oredein, O., Hyde, R.J., 2018. 'A Strategic Planning Problem: Examining the unpredictability of urban transformation based on the changing temporal order of planned projects', 16th meeting of the AESOP Planning & Complexity group. Theme: Adaptive Planning for Spatial Transformation, Department of Spatial Planning and Environment, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 23/5/2018 - 25/5/2018.
Zigure, S., Solomou, S., Sengupta, U., 2018. 'Developing Scenarios for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) enabled sustainable future cities', AUM 2018, The University of Cambridge, 27/6/2018 - 29/6/2018.
Cheung, P., Sengupta, U., 2018. 'Enabling sustainable mobility: an ICT approach to enabling landscapes for bottom-up processes', Adaptive Planning for Spatial Transformation, 16th meeting of AESOP Planning & Complexity, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, 23/5/2018 - 25/5/2018.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., 2017. 'Keynote Lecture: Digital Tools for Urban Transformation', Digital Tools for Urban Challenges, Workshop in Wuhan, China, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 18/4/2017 - 21/4/2017.
Iossifova, D., Sengupta, U., 2017. 'Urban transformations in China: Linking soft and hard urban systems', 2017 International Conference on China Urban Development, London, 5/5/2017 - 6/5/2017.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., Iossifova, D., Hyde, R., 2016. 'Data and Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems', 2016 DACAS conference on Future City Systems, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1/2/2016 - 3/2/2016.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., Iossifova, D., 2016. 'Extrapolating Future Cities: combining hard & soft data', DACAS ICTP-SAIFR workshop on modelling urban systems, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 20/6/2016 - 24/6/2016.
Sengupta, U., 2016. 'Extrapolating Future Cities: Combining hard and soft urban data', Smart IoT London: Urban IoT Showcase, ExCeL, 12-13 April 2016.
Sengupta, U., cheung, P., iossifova, D., Hyde, R., 2016. 'Gamifying 'Smarter' Planning: Adaptive and resilient future cities', AAG Annual Meeting: Smart + Sustainable, San Francisco, 29/3/2016 - 2/4/2016.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., Hyde, R., Iossifova, D., 2016. 'Gamifying Smarter Planning: Adaptive and resilient future cities', 2016 AAG Annual Meeting: Smart+sustainable, San Francisco, MArch 29 - April 02 2016.
Sengupta, U., 2015. 'Participation, Governance and Resilience in the Age of Big Data', Planning & Complexity - 13th meeting: Complexity and digitalization of cities - Challenges for urban planning and design, Tempere, Finland, 5/1/2015 - 6/1/2015.
Sengupta, U., Chattopadhyay, B., 2014. 'Convergent City: Extrapolating a Digitised Urban Future', Urban Futures-Squaring Circles: Europe, China and the World in 2050, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Lisbon, Portugal, 10/10/2014 - 11/10/2014, in
Sengupta, U., 2014. 'Future Cities, Extrapolation and Resilience', Manchester School of Architecture and RIBA Future Cities Roundtable, Manchester School of Architecture, 16/6/2014 - 16/6/2014.
Sengupta, U., 2014. 'Future Urbanisms: Technology, Science Fiction and Extrapolated Cities', XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for a Global Sociology, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, 14/7/2014 - 19/7/2014.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, P., 2014. 'My Data My City: Gamification and Participation with Projected Urban Futures', 12th meeting of Planning & Complexity Group, AESOP, Manchester School of Architecture, 16/1/2014 - 17/1/2014.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., 2012. 'Designing in Potential Understanding and Incorporating the Inherencies of Complex Spatial Patterns into Urban Futures', Complexity Science and Social Science at the Interface to the Real World, University of Surrey, September 2012.
Sengupta, U., 2016. 'Modelling for Emergence - Architectural Association', Architectural Association, London, 17 February 2016.
Sengupta, U., 2015. 'Smart Cities - TMRW Conference', TMRW Conference, Manchester Central, 20 May 2015.
Sengupta, U., 2014. 'Big Data & Open Government: Structural Shifts in Urban Governance', Invited Lecture, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University. Japan, 14 July 2014.
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., 2013. 'Complexity Thinking: Computational Tools to Temporality & Self Organisation', Out of the Box: Diverse Tools for Planning, SCUPAD (Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning and Development). Salzburg), May 2013.
Sengupta, U., 2013. 'Why Complex Adaptive Systems?', Self-organization and Spatial Planning: In-Depth Analysis, AESOP: Aveiro, May 2013.
Sengupta, U., 2012. 'Informal patterns', Cities to be Tamed?, Politecnico di Milano, November 2012.
Sengupta, U., 2012. 'Loose Fit: A Spatio-temporal Approach to Incorporating Bottom up Behaviours', Complexity and the Collaborative Rationale to Planning - 10th meeting of Planning & Complexity group AESOP, University of Groningen, November 2012, in
Sengupta, U., 2012. 'Planning for Unknown Futures & Constant Urban Change', Rethinking Cities: Framing the Future, Barcelona Congress Center, at the Fira de Barcelona, October 2012, in
Sengupta, U., Cheung, E., 2011. 'Digital Tools - Flux Territories', Self-Organizing and Spatial Planning - 9th meeting of Planning & Complexity, AESOP, Istanbul, 2011.
Sengupta, U., Cheung,, E, Wong, L., Matsuda, N., Lynch, J., 2010. 'Urban Patterns & Spatial Memory', Complex Urban symposium, United Nations University (IAS) Yokohama, 2010, in
Other Outputs
Sengupta, U., Hyde, R., 2017. 'Funding: H2020 (IoT) - Large Scale Pilots, (£217,719 of EUR 20M), PI, 'Synchronicity'.'.
Sengupta, U., Iossifova, D., 2016. 'Smarter Data Use & Future City Models', Lecture at Gensler Los Angeles, USA.
Sengupta, U., 2014. 'Complexity & Simulation for Urban Futures', GOV.UK, Department for Business Innovation & Skills, Foresight: The Future of Cities.
Sengupta, U., Hyde, R., 2014. 'Convergent City: Imagining Planning in a Digitised Future', Digitised Planning System: RIBA Roundtable Meeting.
Sengupta, U., 2013. 'Addressing Complicity & Helplessness: Urban Design & Spatial Planning Between Theory & Practice', The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL, London.
Sengupta, U., 2013. 'Change and Resilience: Combining Research & Practice', Shanghai Xiandai (Contemporary) Design Institute, Shanghai, China..
Sengupta, U., 2013. 'Moving Towards Level 4 Systems: Experimental & Evolutionary Design Tools', Space Syntax, London, UK.
Sengupta, U., 2012. 'Gamification SIM City 4 and BBB Generator', EUSS/AESOP Summer School, London, UK.
Sengupta, U., 2012. 'Pattern Morphology New Techniques for Continuous Urban Change', EUSS/AESOP Summer School, London, UK.
Sengupta, U., 2011. 'Report on Aternative Urban Policy Approaches', Report on alternative policy approaches for 5 year urban development plan, Jingdezhen, China..
Sengupta, U., Verma, A., 2011. 'Report on urban and environmental strategies for a new campus IIT', Report on urban and environmental strategies for a new campus (Indian Institute of Technology) in a desertified location, Jodhpur, India..
Sengupta, U., 2010. 'Critique of 5 year urban development plan Jingdezhen', Critique of 5 year urban development plan Jingdezhen, China..