Succeeding the Network

The thesis project researched with Amanda Lim this year investigates the idea of transforming Manchester's travel infrastructure to combat the effects of habitat fragmentation caused by the urbanisation and isolation of many natural habitats.

The new network takes existing infrastructural routes such as roads and paths, and proposes to completely pedestrianise them with rewilding taking place along these routes creating nature corridors to allow for species migration. The corridors were chosen through an urban mapping activity, locating areas high in biodiversity -Biodiversity nodes - as well as areas in need of rewilding due to a complete lack of biodiversity - Deadzones. Routes along existing roads were drawn up to act as the new nature corridors connecting the fragmented habitats. 

To replace the lost travel across the city, a quiet and low carbon emissions system of a monorail is proposed, able to span across the new corridors without fragmenting the spaces below, serviced by stations at every key identified node that encourage users to care and learn about their local environment and the species around them.

The design exhibited is one for the Bradford Gas Holder Station, an identified 'Deadzone' due to its lack of biodiversity. The station reuses a gas holder slated for demolition that plays an important role in community identity, and acts as an area of rewilding, education, activity and transport for the local community.
